Over 4600 Images of Art and Architecture.

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Germany, Gericault: Jean Louis 1791 1824, 1819, Raft of Medusa
Germany, Grunewald: Matthias 1470 1530, 1515, Isenheim Altarpiece: angel concert and nativity: detail: principla angel
Germany, Holbein: Hans the Younger 1497 1543, 1523, Erasmus
Germany, Leible: Wilhelm 1844 1900, 1881, Threee women in church
Germany, Marc: Franz 1880 1916, 1914, Fighting Forms
Germany, Modersohn-Becker: Paula 1876 1907, 1904, Maid with Green Necklace
Germany, Neumann: Balthasar 1687 1753, 1743-72, Vierzehnheiligen: Pilgrimmage Church: interior
Germany, Runge: Philip 1777 1810, 1802-03, Self portrait
Germany, Schongauer: Martin 1430 1491, 15, Altar piece: Christ Bearing Cross
Germany, Vogeler: Heinrich 1872 1942, 1898-1902, Singing Ladies (Summer Evening)
Germany, Vogeler: Heinrich 1872 1942, 1905, Summer Evening with Paula Mod.-Becker etc
Germany, Zeiller: Johann op.1760's, 1766 (circa), Ottobeuren: Benedictine Abbey: cupola Ascension fresco
Greece, , 5 C. BC, Exaggerated refinements
Greece, , 5C BC (first 1/2), Riace bronze: statue A
Greece, , 6C BC, Wooden "pinax" from Pitsas: sacrifice
Greece, , 340-320BC (circa), Vase from Apulian tomb group
Greece, , 460 BC (circa), Statue of Athena flying her owl
Greece, , 480 BC (circa), Parthenon: view to NW corner
Greece, , 520 BC (circa), 'Kriosos' kouros from Anavyssos Attica: detail: LH side
Greece, , 530BC (circa), Archaic Kore no. 682

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