Architecture of our Century

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Spain, Barcelona, Gaudi A, Apartment, waiting room of main floor, 1904, Spain
Spain, Barcelona, Gaudi A, Garden, overall plan, 1914, Spain
Spain, Barcelona, Gaudi A, House, Interior: stairwell, 1904-1906, Spain
Spain, Barcelona, Gaudi A, Religious, detail drawing, 1926, Spain
Spain, Barcelona, Gaudi A, Religious, state of work 1900, 1900, Spain
Spain, Merida, Moneo, Museum, Street front with main entrance, 1980-1985, Spain
Spain, Merida, Moneo R, Museum, View of entrance, 1985, Spain
Spain, Segura, Linazasoro J-I, Public building, View, 1983-1985, Spain
Sweden, Saynatsalo, Aalto A, Public Bdg, Western entrance, 1949-1952, Sweden
Sweden, Stockholm, Arndt Malmquist & Skoogh, Apartment, decorated courtyard facade, 1988, Sweden
Sweden, Stockholm, Asplund G, Library, Main portal: Adam and Eve as door handles, 1920-1928, Sweden
Switzerland, Canton Berne, Maillart, Bridge, view, 1933, Switzerland
Switzerland, Lugano, Botta M, Office, view, 1985, Switzerland
Switzerland, Stabio, Botta M, House, view, 1982, Switzerland
Turkey, Istanbul, Poelzig H, Apartment, unbuilt project, 1916, Turkey
Ukraine, Crimea, Schinkel K, House, plan of palace temple and courtyards elevation, 1838, Ukraine

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