Over 4600 Images of Art and Architecture.

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Luna y Novicio: Juan 1857 1900, 1885, La Parisienne
Lyttleton: Thomas 1826 1876, 1868, Adam Lindsay Gordon steelplechasing at Flemington: Saturday 7 Nov.1868
Makart: Hans 1840 1884, 1879, Raliroad float for Paseaut
Manet: Edouard 1832 1883, 1862, Music in Tuilerier Garden
Manet: Edouard 1832 1883, 1863, Olympia: detail: hand
Manet: Edouard 1832 1883, 1867, View of Paris World Fair
Manet: Edouard 1832 1883, 1874, La dame aus eventails: portrait de Nina de Callias
Manet: Edouard 1832 1883, 1878, Cafe-Concert: detail: waitress
Mantegna: Andrea 1431 1506, 1490, Battle of the sea gods
Martens: Conrad 1801 1878, 1843, View from Rosebank
Masaccio: Tommaso 1401 1428(?), 1426-8, Trinity
Master of Flemalle 1378 1444, 1425 (circa), Merode altarpiece: center panael: detail: bronze layer
Master of Housebook, , Phyllis and Aristotle
May: Phil 1864 1903, his grip on Australia, Mongolian octopus
Mediaeval architecture, 1220-, Cathedral Notre-Dame: west front.
Melies: Georges 1861 1938, film, Trip to the Moon 1902
Michelangelo: Buonarroti, 1501-04, David: detail of head and chest; front
Michelangelo: Buonarroti, 1514-16, Dying slave: two views
Michelangelo: Buonarroti, 1524-26 (circa), Florence: Laurentian library: vestible
Michelangelo: Buonarroti 1475 1564, , Sistine Chapel ceiling: Zachariah

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