Over 4600 Images of Art and Architecture.

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Classical sculpture, 540-30 (circa), Poplos Kore No 679: traces of colour
Claude: Lorrain 1600 1682, 1651, Pastoral landscape
Conder: Charles 1868 1909, 1888, Farm: Richmond: New South Wales
Copley: John Singleton, 1778, Watson and the Shark
Corot: Jean Baptiste Camille 1796 1875, 1834-1840, Ville d'Avray: the Casbasud Houses
Courbet: Gustave 1819 1877, 1844, Self Portrait: 'Courbet with a black dog'
Courbet: Gustave 1819 1877, 1853, Bathers
Courbet: Gustave 1819 1877, 1866, Sleepers
Cranach: Lucas the Elder, 1532, Venus
Critios, 480BC (circa), Boy
Dagnan-Bouveret: Pascal 1852 1929, 1887, Breton women at a pardon
Daumier: Honore 1808 1879, , Washerwoman
Daumier: Honore 1808 1879, 1854, Good! There's another house being pulled down...
Daumier: Honore 1808 1879, 1865, Third class carriage
David: Jacques-Louis 1748 1825, 1783, Andromache mourining over the death of Hector
David: Jacques-Louis 1748 1825, 1812, Napoleon in His Study
Degas: Edgar 1834 1917, 1860-62, La famille Bellelli: detail
Degas: Edgar 1834 1917, 1873-74, Elena Carafa
Degas: Edgar 1834 1917, 1876, Au cafe (l' absinthe)
Degas: Edgar 1834 1917, 1879, Diego Martelli

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