Sculpture, Italy, , 340 BC (circa), Sarcophagus lid: son of Larth Tetnies & wife Thanchvil Tarnai
Sculpture, Italy, , , St. Theresa & her brothers go to seek martyrdom: vault: Cornaro Chapel
Sculpture, Italy, , 325 (circa), Colossal Head: Constantine
Sculpture, Italy, anon, 400 BC (circa), Aphrodite: cult statue (detail)
Sculpture, Italy, Apollodorus (attrib), 113 AD, Column of Tragan
Sculpture, Italy, Bernini: Pietro 1562 1629, , Louis XIV bust
Sculpture, Italy, Bernini: Pietro 1562 1629, 1657-66, Papal throne on clouds with SS Peter & Paul: Ambrose and Augustine
Sculpture, Italy, Cimabue: Cenni di Pepo 1240 c 1301 c, 1288 (before), Crucifix
Sculpture, Italy, Classical sculpture, 1, Polyphemos Group: head of Odysseus
Sculpture, Italy, Classical sculpture, 79 (before), Heracles & a deer
Sculpture, Italy, Classical sculpture, 312-315 (circa), Arch of Constantine: detail of Frieze
Sculpture, Italy, Donatello 1386 1466, 1411-13, St Mark (det.)
Sculpture, Italy, Donatello 1386 1466, 1423-25, La Zuccone: detail
Sculpture, Italy, Donatello 1386 1466, 1430(circa), David: rear left
Sculpture, Italy, Donatello 1386 1466, 1456, Judith and Holofernes (det.)
Sculpture, Italy, Ghiberti: Lorenzo 1378 1455, 1404-24, Flagellation: Christ (det.)
Sculpture, Italy, Ghiberti: Lorenzo 1378 1455, 1425-52, Gates of Paradise: Genesis panel: detail: Adam and Eve
Sculpture, Italy, Giotto: di Bondone 1276 1337, , Crucifix
Sculpture, Italy, Michelangelo: Buonarroti, 1521-34, Day; left view; from Giuliano's Tomb
Sculpture, Italy, Michelangelo: Buonarroti 1475 1564, 1501-4, David
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