Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

louvre, france, palace, staircase, 16 AD,
louvre place du Carrousel, france, palace, main pyramid entrance to museum, 20 AD,
louvre place du Carrousel, france, palace, seen through the main pyramid, ,
lower entrance gate complex, turkey, acropolis, view, , hellen. etc
main city gate with paving slabs, turkey, fortification: gate, , , 4 BC
male togate statue headless, libya, sculpture: figure, in site museum, ? 2 AD,
mamure kalesi, turkey, fortification: walls, view of north-facing (land) side, 12 AD,
marble reliefs, libya, theatre, below stage, ? 2 AD,
megalithic ? pilaster base, libya, unidentified, , 2 AD,
monumental entrance, libya, forum, view, 2 AD etc,
mosaic, greece, domestic, relaid by museum, ? 2 AD,
Murat Hudavendigar camii, turkey, mosque, on acropolis with capital & column, 14 AD,
Murat Hudavendigar camii, turkey, mosque, on acropolis with spolia capital, 14 AD,
near main gate with sally port, turkey, fortification: walls, of masonry, 4 BC,
of Apollo, greece, temple, bossed retaining wall below temple, ? 5 AD,
of Apollo, turkey, temple, bulls-head frieze block, various,

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