Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

cemetery outside main gate, turkey, funerary, , , 4 BC etc
cemetery seen from wall S of main gate, turkey, funerary, , , 4 BC etc
chateau: donjon, france, fortification, , 12 AD, 1226-70
chateau: donjon & sainte chapelle, france, fortification: tower, , 12 AD, 1226-70
chateau: pavillon du roi from the E moat, france, fortification, , 17 AD, 1654-61
chateau: tour du bois from moat, france, fortification, , 17 AD, 1654-61
cistern, tunisia, cityscape, below theatre & above baths, ? 2 AD,
city wall, greece, fortification: walls, , 5 BC,
city walls, turkey, fortification: walls, , , 4 BC
city walls at end of peninsula, turkey, fortification: walls, , , ? 1 AD
city walls at end of peninsula, turkey, fortification: walls, with unidentified structure, ? 1 AD,
city walls by lake, turkey, fortification: walls, with modern houses on top, ? 1 AD,
city walls near end of peninsula, turkey, fortification: walls, , , ? 1 AD
city walls near mosque, turkey, fortification: walls, with frieze & inscription, ? 4 AD,
city walls: gate tower, turkey, fortification: gate, , , 4 BC
cloister: capital, sicily, cathedral church, closeups, 12 AD,

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