Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

courtyard screen, france, chateau, general view from courtyard, 17 AD, 1654-61
defensive enceinte, turkey, fortification: walls, entrance towers, 4-3 BC,
donjon & moat, france, chateau, , 12 AD, 1226-70
doorway, turkey, houses or tombs?, with monolithic lintel, ? Byzantine,
east facade of the Louvre, france, palace, lateral view, 17 AD, 1666
east peristyle of the Louvre, france, palace, lateral view, 17 AD, 1666
east peristyle of the Louvre, france, palace, lateral view, 17 AD, 1666
Edgemar Center, california, commercial, in the courtyard, 20 AD, 1987-8
entablature, libya, church, in reuse, 2 AD etc,
entablature blocks etc, turkey, sculpture: architectural, view of several, , byzantine
eski kaplica hamam, turkey, bath, exterior view from NE, byz etc,
eski kaplici hamam, turkey, bath, interior: brick dome vestibule, byz etc,
eski kaplici hamam, turkey, bath, view + postmodern hotel, byz etc,
facades & balconies in Calle Ancha, spain, house, , 18 AD,
flank, tunisia, temple, view with exedra, ? 2 AD,
floor mosaic, tunisia, mosaic, calyx in border, 3 AD,

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