The Great Exhibition: by medium

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

bronze, Metalwork, Matifat, Paris
bronze, Metalwork, Tolstoy, St. Petersburg
bronze gilt, Metalwork, Krumbigel, Moscow
bronze/silver/gilt, Metalwork, Elkington & Mason, Birmingham
cardboard, Model, Deighton, London
carved marble/glass, Furnishings, Bottinelli, Milan
carved oak, Furniture, Hoffmeister, Coburg
carved walnut, Furniture, Rogers & Dear, London
carved wood, Furniture, Durand;E.P., Paris
cast iron, Metalwork, Colebrook Dale Iron Works, -
cast-iron, Metalwork, André, Paris
chased/partly gilt, Metalwork, Lambert & Rawlings, London
coloured glass, Glass, Harrach, -
crystal, Glass, Osler, Birmingham
crystal glass, Glass, Richardson, Stourbridge
cut glass, Glass, Harris & Son, Birmingham

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