The Great Exhibition: by medium

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

-, Metalwork, Vankempen, Utrecht
-, Metalwork, Winfield, Birmingham
-, Musical instrument, Luff, London
-, papier-mâché, exhibited by Capt. James of Bengal Army, -
-, Publishing, Hanicq, Malines
-, Sculpture, Fox, Brighton
-, Sculpture, Le Chesne, Paris
-, Sculpture, Powers, New York
-, Sculpture, Thomas, London
-, Scuplture, P.MacDowell,
-, Textile, Blakely, Norwich
-, Textile, Dewar, London
-, Textile, Jackson & Graram, London
-, Textile, Requillard Roussel & Choqueil, Paris
-, Textile, Templeton, Glasgow
-, Textiles, Bifield, Islington

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