Italian Renaissance Art

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, Genesis: Creation of the Stars, Vatican: Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, Last Judgment, Vatican: Sistine Chapel Altar Wall
Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, New Sacristy: Giuliano from Tomb of Giuliano, Florence: S Lorenzo
Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, New Sacristy: Virgin & Child, Florence: S Lorenzo
Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, Pieta, Rome: S Peter's Basilica
Michelangelo, 1475, 1564, Tomb of Julius II: Leah, Rome: S Pietro in Vincoli
Nanni di Banco, 1390, 1421, Death & Assumption of the Virgin, Florence: Cathedral Porta della Mandorla
Parmigianino, 1503, 1540, Turkish Slave, Parma: Galleria Naz dell'Emilia
Perugino Pietro, c.1466, 1523, Moses & Zipporah, Vatican: Sistine Chapel
Piero della Francesca, c.1420, 1492, Ideal City, Urbino: Ducal Palace
Piero della Francesca, c.1420, 1492, Legend of the True Cross: Adoration of the Wood; and Meeting, Arezzo: San Francesco
Piero della Francesca, c.1420, 1492, Legend of the True Cross: The Death of Adam, Arezzo: San Francesco
Piero della Francesca, c.1420, 1492, S Anthony Polyptych, Perugia: Galleria Nazionale
Piero della Francesca, c.1420, 1492, Virgin & Child with Federigo da Montefeltro, Milan: Brera
Pinturicchio, 1454, 1513, Healing by S Anthony of Subiaco, Perugia: Galleria Nazionale
Pisanello, DATE DATE, Medal: John VIII Palaeologus: reverse, Bargello Museum, Florence

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