Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

theatre, Aspendos, Turkey, exterior, closeup of windows on E wall, 12187
theatre, Aspendos, Turkey, interior, detail of seating & frons scenae, 12193
theatre, Aspendos, Turkey, interior, view of seating & frons scenae from above, 12198
theatre, Orange, France, Roman Theatre, interior: frons scenae, 14371
theatre, Perge, Turkey, interior, frons scenae: capitals, 12244
theatre, Perge, Turkey, interior, frons scenae: pediments, 12246
theatre, Side, Turkey, theatre interior, frons scenae: closeup of doorway, 12158
theatre, Side, Turkey, theatre interior, frons scenae: pediment block, 12150
theatre, Side, Turkey, theatre interior, frons scenae: soffit block with wreath, 12166
theatre, Side, Turkey, theatre interior, seating seen from stage: detail, 12143
theatre, Termessus, Turkey, interior, seating: detail, 12432
theatre, Tlos, Turkey, interior, orchestra & seating, 12812
tholos? building unknown, Limyra, Turkey, soffitting with anthemion, view, 12648
triumphal, Rome, Italy, Arch of Septimius Severus, , 15681
triumphal, Rome, Italy, Arch of Titus, view, 14527
triumphal, Rome, Italy, Column of Trajan, detail, 14541

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