illustration, Germany:Frankfurt, 1570, juridicial works, woodcut, Sigmund Feyerabend
initial: D, Antwerp, 1563, , woodcut, Christolphe Plantin
initial: L, Antwerp, 1563, , woodcut, Christolphe Plantin
initial: S, Antwerp, 1563, , woodcut, Christolphe Plantin
ornament, France:Paris, 1578, , woodcut, Frédérc Morel
ornament, Italy:Venice, 1555-1590, , woodcut, Gabriel Giolito
ornament, Italy:Venice, 1555-1590, , woodcut, Gabriel Giolito
ornamented title page, Italy:Venice, 1499, , woodcut, Lazarus Soardi
ornaments, France:Lyons, 1558, , woodcut, Jean de Tournes
page decoration, France:Lyons, 1557, Metamorphoses, woodcut, Jean de Tournes
page ornament, Germany:Ausburg, 1524-46, , woodcut, Heinrich Steyner
page with border decoration and initials, Italy:Venice, 1478, , woodcut, Erhart Ratdolt
page with decorated borders, Germany:Basle, 1519, , woodcut, Johann Froben
page with ornamental border, Italy:Fano, 1507, , woodcut, Hieronymus Soncinus
portrait of Francesco Alunno, Italy:Venice, 1556, Fabrica del mondo, metalcut,
printer's mark, France:Lyons, 1560s, , woodcut, Antoine Vincenti
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