Germany:Wittenberg, Johann Grünenberg, title page, , woodcut, 1520
Germany:Wittenberg, Melchior Lotter, title page, work by Luther, woodcut, 1527
Italy:Florence, Lorenzo Torrentino, decorative initial: M, , woodcut, 1550s
Italy:Milan, Alessandro Minutiano, page with ornamental frame and portrait of B. Corio, Chronicle of Milan, woodcut, 1503
Italy:Toscolano:Lake Garda, Alessandro Paganini, decorative initial: I, , metalcut, 1520 (circa)
Italy:Toscolano:Lake Garda, Alessandro Paganini, decorative initial: S, , metalcut, 1520 (circa)
Italy:Venice, , decorative initial: O, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, woodcut, 1499
Italy:Venice, Erhart Ratdolt, decorative initial: C, , woodcut, 1477
Italy:Venice, Erhart Ratdolt, page with border decoration and initials, , woodcut, 1478
Italy:Venice, Gabriel Giolito, decorative alphabet (scenes from mythology & ancient history): I, , woodcut, 1550-1599
Italy:Venice, Gabriel Giolito, decorative alphabet (scenes from mythology & ancient history): V, , woodcut, 1550-1599
Italy:Venice, Gabriel Giolito, ornament, , woodcut, 1555-1590
Italy:Venice, Gabriel Giolito, ornament, , woodcut, 1555-1590
Italy:Venice, Giovanni and Gregorio de Gregoriis, Page with border decoration and intial, , metalcut, 1498
Italy:Venice, Gregorius de Rusconibus, decorated page, , woodcut, 1506
Italy:Venice, Lucantonio Giunta, decorative border, , woodcut, 1530s (late)
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