Ornament: by artist

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Germany:Mainz, Johann Schöffer, decorative initial: Q, , woodcut, 1518
Germany:Mainz, Johann Schöffer, decorative initial: T, , woodcut, 1518
Germany:Munich, Adam Berg, title page, , woodcut, 1589
Germany:Nuremberg, Hieronymus Holzel (later Freidrich Peypus), crucifix with allegorical border, , woodcut, 1517
Germany:Nuremberg, Johann Petreius, decorative intial: C, , woodcut, 1529
Germany:Nuremberg, Johann Petreius, decorative intial: L, , woodcut, 1529
Germany:Nuremberg, Johann Petreius, decorative intial: S, , woodcut, 1529
Germany:Oppenheim, Jakob Kobel, decorated initial: C, , woodcut, 1512-13
Germany:Oppenheim, Jakob Kobel, decorated initial: T, , woodcut, 1512-13
Germany:Oppenheim, Jakob Kobel, decorated initials: O P T V, , woodcut, 1512-13
Germany:Strasbourg, Johann Schott, decorated page, De rebus gestis Friderici I, woodcut, 1531
Germany:Strasbourg, Matthias Schürer, decorated page, , woodcut, 1515
Germany:Strasbourg, Wolff Köpfel, decorative borders, , woodcut, 1520s
Germany:Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, decorative intial: D, , woodcut, 1534
Germany:Wittenberg, Hans Luft, decorative initial: F, , woodcut, 1580
Germany:Wittenberg, Hans Luft, decorative initial: R, , woodcut, 1580

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