The Popolo Project

British School at Rome, fireworks, view: New Year 99/2000,
British School at Rome, fireworks, view: New Year 99/2000,
British School at Rome, fireworks, view: New Year 99/2000,
British School at Rome, views, ,
British School at Rome, views, ,
British School at Rome, views, ,
British School at Rome, views, ,
British School at Rome, views, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
British School at Rome and environs, views to sort, ,
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X,
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X,
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X,
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X,
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s
Campidoglio, exterior, Paul III to Innocent X, 1538-1650s

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