Above: The podium of the temple, taken from the narrow street in which it is now to be found; a view of the decorated coffering of the barrel vault; and the door jamb decoration, including a curly console block, which supports the door's entablature

Originally the temple stood in its own courtyard, separating as was customary the sanctified from the everyday. As one might expect, this faced Diocletian's mausoleum across the grand space of the central peristyle. The temple's open courtyard has long gone, to be replaced by narrow mediaeval alleys, themselves picturesque, but rendering the structure impossible to photograph from street level - hence my series of inadequate details.

However, it might have looked something like the much earlier Augustan temple at Pola, which has the same number of columns, and a similarly simple cella behind:

By the time of Robert Adam's visit, the temple had already lost its six-column portico (four to the front, one on each flank). On the inside, the coffering of the barrel vault attracts the attention. This is made up of curved stone slabs, with coffering carved from them to add beauty as well as strength to the structure. Viewed from outside and from above (i.e. where nobody at ground level could have seen them), the holes to take the devices to lift the blocks into place are clearly visible:

Fortunately, the door to the cella survives, and this is splendidly massive:

Above: details of the doorway to the temple, with its elaborate entablature; and of the pilaster with elaborate capital and entablature which decorate the corners of the cella itself

A close-up of the frieze shows, perhaps, a little of the crudity with which late Imperial decoration is sometimes credited:

From here you may go to any of the following screens:

The Introductory Page; The Colonnaded Streets; Comparisons with Split's Architecture; Diocletian as Builder; The Emperor's Apartments; The Great Hall & Peristyle Complex; The Emperor's Mausoleum; Is Split palace or chateau?; The Walls & Gates A short description of the Tetrarchy; The Bibliography; My Biography; The technology I've used; A Short Research Paper.