PROJECT SCHEDULEPublishing on the World Wide Web |
Despite common misconceptions that sumo is merely a wrestling match between two extremely large men, it is actually an ancient and culturally significant sport in Japan.The history of Sumo dates back to the origins of Japan itself, and through out the ages has been an important part of religious and state ceremonies. The birth of the Japanese race is said to have originated from a Sumo match between the Gods, and has since been a part of Shinto fertility and divination rituals for many thousands of years. It is only in the last few centuries that Sumo has become a professional sport. The traditions and ceremonies of Sumo are integral to Japanese society and Japanese way of thinking, and in this project I would like to focus on its cultural significance to the Japanese people.
The topics I would like to discuss, and which will be accessible from the homepage are:
These would be the main headings, under which will be the relevant information, set out logically and in a way which is easy to follow. In each body of information there will be links to related information on the internet, as well as images to illustrate the point if required. I have not worked out prescisely in what way I will do this, but am aiming for it to be as logically set out as possible to allow easy access.
On each page of the project, I plan to display a small image which will take the reader back to the homepage at any time.
The audience this project would be aimed at would be quite a general one, basically being people interesested in Japan, or more specifically, Japanese culture.The topic has been recieved quite well by people I have spoken to, including people who hardly know anything about Japan. I plan for it to appeal to people of most ages, but mainly an older audience.
The discussion of artworks and the cultural significance of sumo in art and religion will probably appeal most to students and older people with some background knowledge of Japan.
The advantages of computerization of this topic will be, as with anything else on the internet, it's easy accessibility. It can be set out attractively, with the reader being able to access the information which interests them most.
Sumo is a traditional sport about which printed information is quite hard to find. Putting this project on the internet, however exposes the sport to a much larger number of people, which is extremely advantageous.
There is already quite a bit of information on the internet at the moment, though it seems to be mainly the lighter side if sumo or information on recent tournaments. I have not yet found a site which deals soley with the traditional side of the sport, so computerization of this side would definitely be an advantage in that it will be new information.
I am planning to link each section with a site which deals with backgroung information for each topic, for those readers with little knowledge of the topic. For example, the first section is about the history and origins of Sumo wrestling. I plan to link this section with sites about the history of Japan. One specific one I have found which I think would be beneficial is a timeline of Japanese history, which gives the reader a sense of perspective, as well as an understanding of the periods I will be discussing.
I have also found various sites dealing with religion, art, and various aspects of Japanese culture, which I will now have to sift through to find the most informative and relevant.
I plan to use quite a few images, especially in the Sumo in Art section, as it will be mainly focussing in woodblock prints. In the Rules and Ceremonies section too, I think pictures may help explain thing like certain positions in which the wrestlers must stand etc.
I would like, if possible, to include a short demonstration of a bout, though at this stage it is just a thought.I feel it would be interesting, especially seeing as most people rarely have a chance to actually see a match being played.
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