

Proposed Topics and Format

The topics I initially proposed have turned out quite different to the final product. I found that all the areas combined covered too broad an area of information, so I decided to concentrate on only three of the proposed topics, "The History of Sumo", "Origins", and "Religion", with the added topic of "A Military Art". "Military" actually would fit into chronological order within the History section, but I felt it gave a point of interest to the main homepage.

I have tried to set out the site in as logical way as possible, and have aimed for easy orientation throughout the site. As planned, I have also used an icon at the bottom of every page which takes the reader back to the homepage at any time, as well as a panel of icons which allow the reader to go straight to the sub-index pages.

My first attempt at an animated gif is shown below. I hope it hasn't crashed the web for you - I'm sorry if it has, but I thought I'd include it just because it's a bit funny and shows the process of what I have done.The animated gif I actually ended up with is on the homepage, and shows the wrestler jumping up and down. The original idea was to make him stomp, but he just wouldn't co-operate!!

Possible Links

In the Initial Proposal, I planned to link each section to a site which covered background information on that topic for the reader to extend their knowledge on the area. I have decided against this, mainly because once the link is entered, there is no real link back to my site, besides the "back". If the reader travelled around in the area to which I have linked, chances are they will be waylaid and not return. This lack of control lead me to introduce a new section accessible via the homepage, called "Related sites on the Internet", which I feel provides sufficient backgound information for those wishing to pursue further knowledge, but does not interfere with my site.

The sites I have linked to, however are as initially planned, covering history, religion and art.

I have included a small amount of imported text, which covers background information on Shinto and a timeline of Japanese history. A lot of information on the web was either not a good standard of English (ie. written by a Japanese person), or poor information.


Images are mainly Ukiyo-e prints, wo=ith some photographs taken from books, magazines etc.