Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

Pompeii, Italy, civic, street with arch, view, 14643
Pompeii, Italy, mythology, House of the Vettii, view of oecus panel with putti (70-79), 14663
Pompeii, Italy, mythology, House of the Vettii, view of oecus panel with putti (70-79), 14672
Pompeii, Italy, mythology, House of the Vettii, view of triclinium (70-79), 14653
Puglia: where?, Italy, religious, Church of ??: lion on bracket, view, 2677
Puglia: where?, Italy, religious, Church of ??: Romanesque portal, detail of orans in niche, 2676
Pydnae, Turkey, fortification: tower, entrance doorway: lintel, interior of fort, 12768
Pydnae, Turkey, fortification: tower, view & walkway, interior of fort, 12784
Pydnae, Turkey, fortification: wall, sally port, interior of fort, 12787
Pydnae, Turkey, fortification: walls, walls with staircase walkway, interior of fort, 12769
Ravenna, Italy, church, San Vitale, exterior: apse, 14870
Ravenna, Italy, church, San Vitale, interior: mosaics in apse: San Vitale crowned by Christ, 14057
Ravenna, Italy, church, San Vitale, interior: mosaics in tribune: detail of Theodora, 14061
Ravenna, Italy, church, San Vitale, interior: mosaics in tribune: Justinian, 14886
Ravenna, Italy, church, San Vitale, interior: mosaics in vault of presbyterium, 14049
Ravenna, Italy, religious, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, interior: head of Christ in Good Shepherd mosaic, 14751

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