> Subject - mosaic @ sicily

City      Type      Location      Details      Total # images     
monreale cathedral interior nave mosaics to north 30 images
monreale cathedral interior nave mosaics to south 14 images
monreale cathedral interior north aisle mosaics to north 33 images
monreale cathedral interior north transept mosaics 16 images
monreale cathedral interior south aisle mosaics to south 29 images
monreale cathedral interior south transept mosaics 25 images
palermo churches cappella palatina ambo mosaics 1 images
palermo churches cappella palatina nave mosaics to north 35 images
palermo churches cappella palatina nave mosaics to south 23 images
palermo churches cappella palatina north aisle arch mosaics 27 images
palermo churches cappella palatina north aisle north wall mosaics 3 images
palermo churches cappella palatina south aisle south wall mosaics 21 images
palermo churches martorana interior mosaics 35 images
palermo museums palazzo abatellis mosaic => 7 images
City      Type      Location      Details      Total # images