Piazza del Popolo / SM del Popolo:
A Multimedia Presentation of the church
and its setting
by Michael Greenhalgh, MA, PhD, FSA,
The Sir William Dobell Foundation Professor of Art History,
Australian National University
This is a third draft (at 4 January 2004) of project
structure and contents:
currently it contains some 4.3Gb
of images.
Several of the links are to simple place-holders, whilst
others have a preliminary selection of images and imagemaps.
A sketch-outline for a 8,000-record database, focussed on church monuments but with
a great deal of other material as well, is available with small thumbnails and full-sized JPEGS
or large thumbnails and reduced-size JPEGs;
Here is a preliminary layout for the treatment to be given to
the Piazza and churches, arranged roughly by theme. Most of the
files are selections of images waiting to be wrapped in
appropriate text:
cityscape and the antique:
Features of Roman tomb monuments:
All monuments, frescoes etc located within chapels are placed
in the relevant chapels;
Monuments not in chapels (e.g. on the pillars
of the aisles, the west wall, the floor) go in a separate
imagemap called Imagemap of monuments;
Ways to Enter the Project
- by an imagemap of
a panorama of the Piazza,
a plan of the Piazza,
chapels in SM del Popolo,
and, eventually, perhaps, an imagemap for monuments not in chapels;
SM del Popolo:
As well as the materials accessible for browsing via the
image database,
or by selecting specific chapels etc in Sm del Popolo,
there are also
finished panoramas of the interior
and some
quicktime movies of the interior.
Piazza del Popolo
Images of
historical views,
modern views, and details of the
Porta del Popolo and the
walls of Rome; plus
panorama sections and
built panoramas (including .mov files);
plus a large collection of
Plans of the Piazza del Popolo and vicinity from the renaissance to the 20th century;
Plans and Views of Rome
The above plans are just of Piazza del Popolo. Here is a selection
of various plans of the City of Rome from the renaissance
Plans of Rome, by date
Tempesta's 1593 Plan of Rome.
Other material that can help put SM del Popolo/Piazza del Popolo in
context includes
prints by Faldai, plus Vasi's
Nuova Raccolta di Cento Principali Vedute Antiche e Moderne ... di Roma, and Letarouilly's
Les Edifices de Rome Moderne.
Important buildings for comparative purposes include Raphael's
Villa Madama and the
Domus Aurea from which
it is partly inspired; plus of course Raphael's
loggias and
Pirro Ligorio's Casina di Pio IV.
Items of classical sculpture in e.g. the
Capitoline and
The Vatican Library
provides a flavour of an expanding city,
with many 16thC
triumphalist frescoes
of Papal schemes. The recently opened
Palazzo Massimo section
of the Museo Nazionale houses a splendid range of material;
while Palazzo
Mattei and Palazzo
Spada give a flavour of the antiquarian context of the Renaissance.
The Piazza leads to...
Ara Pacis Augustae,
Castel Sant'Angelo
(and with panoramas); the
Piazza Augusto Imperatore
(and with panoramas), and the
Villa Borghese; plus a large collection of
panoramas and
Quicktime movies of Roman churches and sites;
- of
Aventine (cut),
Circus Maximus,
Foro Italico,
Roman Forum,
Lateran (cut),
Pincio (cut),
Porta San Paolo,
Rome from Castel Sant'Angelo,
S Giorgio in Velabro,
S Prassede,
S Sabina,
S Sabina( cut),
SM in Trastevere,
SM sopra Minerva,
Tiber & Castel Sant'Angelo,
Villa Giulia.
Quicktime/MPEG Videos of Roman sites and Monuments
click here;
Everything below is simply a placeholder for the time being
the Marble Plan of Ancient Rome
adjacent piazze
the obelisks of Rome
spolia in Roman piazze and churches
Giuseppe Valadier
water in Rome: aqueducts and fountains
Piranesi's Plan of the Campus Martius